Vitsœ at Dover Street Market
Catch it if you can before 22 January.

Rei Kawakubo opened her “wildly innovative” Dover Street Market in 2004 and said:
“I want to create a kind of market where various creators from various fields gather together and encounter each other in an ongoing atmosphere of beautiful chaos: the mixing up and coming together of different kindred souls who all share a strong personal vision.”
Unsurprisingly we were truly honored when DSM asked us to look after its prized window for the month of January. We have attempted to elucidate the concept of system-thinking by constructing a series of universal origami blocks which have been arranged in a multiplicity of forms on a universal shelving system.

We left the description to
Dieter Rams:
To me good design means as little design as possible
Simple is better than complicated
Quiet is better than loud
Unobtrusive is better than exciting
Small is better than large
Light is better than heavy
Plain is better than coloured
Harmony is better than divergency
Being well balanced is better than being exalted
Continuity is better than change
Sparse is better than profuse
Neutral is better than aggressive
The obvious is better than that which must be sought
Few elements are better than many
A system is better than single elements
Catch it if you can before 22 January when we will deconstruct the universal blocks for reuse elsewhere.
Dover Street Market
17-18 Dover Street
London W1S 4LT