The true meaning of value
Our New York shop will be closed on Black Friday, 25 November, again.

Words & Photography: Vitsœ
The quest for cut-price goods polarises opinion. Many are bemused by the frenzied Black Friday scenes broadcast by the media, and question whether it’s morally right to compete with fellow man for the sake of a discount; others simply appreciate the benefits of lower prices on their wallets.
Sales were once seasonal affairs, with businesses slashing prices after winter festivities and again at the height of summer to shift excess stock quickly and clear the decks to make way for the new season’s inventory. These days, it feels as though retailers are rarely selling goods at full price, or at least, not for very long. Shop-floors are in chaos and the public are beginning to wonder if they’ve been duped all along, because if an item can be sold for less with the manufacturer still making a healthy profit, why were we being charged so much in the first place? Discount culture erodes the true meaning of value.
At Vitsœ there will never be a sale because our prices are always fair. We make our furniture to the highest possible standards, evolving only to improve what already exists. We prefer better over newer. Our prices honestly reflect the cost of people, suppliers and materials, plus a modest profit that allows us to continue investing in the long-term good of all concerned.
We have no interest in passing on artificially inflated costs to our customers, to then reduce them periodically in the hope of increasing sales.
The notion of investing over a long period of time is to us a logical approach. Our furniture is designed with this in mind. We encourage you to start small, safe in the knowledge that in the future all components will be available and compatible with your existing products.
Our approach negates the need to jostle or queue, and our commitment to quality, longevity and service gives you the assurance to make a considered investment when the time is right.
Our New York shop will be closed on Black Friday, 25 November 2016, but if you need to contact our planners, they will be available behind the scenes to offer you advice on our chairs and tables, or plan a shelving system that is exactly right for you – this service is free of charge.
We made the video ‘Against obsolescence’ back in 2011 to address the underlying issues that is at the heart of Black Friday and the culture of discounts. If you know someone who would appreciate the sentiment, please share this page with them.